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Using Video On Landing Pages

Using Video On Landing Pages

We all know the term and phrase “content is king” these days, and part of that content is video. Using video on landing pages is the key to showing your message to a viewer with very little effort.

Adding video is one of the more effective ways to boost engagement and conversion rates. There’s plenty of evidence to support this:

So What Are Video On Landing Pages Really Mean?

Video landing pages are what they sound like, landing pages that use video in some capacity to persuade the audience. Sometimes a video will be the centerpiece of your page, and sometimes it’ll work quietly alongside copy and images to win over visitors.

Videos should be used on your landing pages whenever they directly support the offer at hand. That is—if you’ve got a landing page advertising a webinar, don’t just slap your product explainer on it. You need a video suited to advertising that webinar registration specifically.

There are a few different approaches you can take when deciding what style of video you want to include. Creating video typically demands resources—and can take way longer than you think, trust us—so it’s best to plan ahead of time.

Here are a few common uses of video on landing pages:

Explainer Videos

An explainer video tells your visitors what they need to know in a short, digestible format they can watch while sipping their morning coffee. Got an idea that’s way ahead of its time? A 90-second explainer video might be all you need to get people on board.

Done right, as you’ll see in the example below, explainer videos allow you to make your elevator pitch and show off your brand without forcing visitors to read swaths of text.

Testimonial Videos

“I’ll have what she’s having.”

If you’ve ever said something similar, then you’ve seen the power of social proof firsthand. Videos are a great way to add customer voices to your landing page, providing legitimacy and a personal touch that written testimonials lack.

Video Backgrounds

Replacing your hero shot with a video grabs the attention of your visitors and doesn’t let go. If your branding demands visual flair, then a video background can enhance it. And if you want to create a certain vibe or atmosphere, a video can do that much better than a still photo can.

Ways to Make Your Videos More Effective

  • Add a call-to-action (CTA) to your video. This can be permanently visible, or be shown at strategic times throughout the video, or be presented at the end.
  • Try short and long versions. Some products may need a detailed study, while others might be better suited to a 30-second “commercial” style.
  • Use directional cues within the video. Having their attention is nice, but if you want them to convert then point your visitors at your landing page’s conversion goal. This can be a physical action (like a person pointing), an animation, or verbal instruction.
  • Write a script before recording. Everybody thinks they can just wing it, but having a script ready before you record your video will help it flow more smoothly and add a touch of professionalism. If you’re worried about scripting making young stiff, remember that you can always adlib a little to give it personality.
  • Overlay audio. If you are demoing an online product, record the screencast first, then overlay audio later. This gives you more opportunities to make it sound professional. Using an external mic is a good idea too.
  • Reuse your landing page videos elsewhere. Making videos takes time and money, so maximize your returns by adding your video to YouTube or repurposing it for your social channels.
  • Don’t be afraid of autoplay. Usability guidelines say autoplay is an interruption technique that annoys people and makes them click the back button. But sometimes it can also increase conversions. Test with it turned on and off to see the impact it has on conversion and the impression of your brand.
  • Don’t just use video. Play rates aren’t always very high, so don’t rely on the video alone to convey your message. Instead, include the same points that you make in the video in the text on the page. There’s nothing wrong with a little repetition, and it’ll make your page more accessible too.

There are ways to really leverage using video on landing pages for your content. Please feel free to contact us.

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